September 2017


In this Course you will learn how to use and install Wordpress from basic to professional level.

What you will learn after taking this course:

  1. What is Wordpress
  2. How to install wordpress
  3. Introduction to pages
  4. Introduction to posts
  5. What are plugins and how to use them
  6. What are widgets and how to use them
  7. How to apply themes in Wordpress
  8. How to apply costume theme to worpress
  9. Customization of theme  
   and much more!

Admissions are Open!

Or Simply contact through this website contact form.

FAQ's about Full Wordpress Course Online:

How the classes will be conducted?

Courses are delivered online using Zoom software (online video conference) the course duration depends on your learning that how much things you grasp in one hour. The fast you learn the fast the course ends . Class duration will be one hour. (Daily one class)

Responsive Web Development Course Online


In this Course you will learn how to build a responsive website template from scratch very easily with the help of HTML5 and CSS3. The course will start from Orientation of HTML5 and CSS3.

Course Contents:

1.Introduction to HTML5

2.Introduction to CSS3
3.Understanding HTML5 structure
4.Defining All Tags
5.Start to code in HTML5
6.What are Wrappers?
7.What is site Container?
8.What is DIV
9.Introduction to Sections
10.Making articles/footers in sections
11.Styling the HTML with CSS3
12.How to define Style sheet in HTML5
13.Start to code in CSS3
14.Introduction to # tag and .(dot) Tag
15.What is padding and margins?

16. Creating responsive screens

17.Introduction to box shadows
18.Introduction RGB color
19.Introduction to web-box transitions

20.Types of transitions 
21. Drop-down Menus

Admissions are Open!

Or Simply contact us through this website contact form.

FAQ's about Responsive Web Development Course Online course:

How the classes will be conducted?

Courses are delivered online using Zoom software (online video conference) the course duration depends on your learning that how much things you grasp in one hour. The fast you learn the fast the course ends . Class duration will be one hour. (Daily one class)

Why Virtual University of Pakistan result is late?

Virtual University of Pakistan result is most of the times issued on time but some time there is some technical fault in the internal system or the one big reason of giving some time to those students who haven't paid their fees on time to give them more time so that they do not face block of account they delay result timings

Second reason:-

Virtual University of Pakistan has always been the leader in delivering high quality tertiary education at an extremely affordable cost. In order to continue enhancing the quality of its courses, it is imperative that the opinion of the most important stakeholders, the students, be ascertained on a regular basis.

Accordingly, survey forms will be launched through VULMS for every course soon after the conclusion of the final term exams and before the declaration of the result for Fall 2015. This way, your studies will not be disturbed and you will be able to provide feedback at your convenience. Please do not wait till the last possible moment, but fill out the survey forms as soon as possible after they are launched.

Important Note: It is mandatory for every student to fill the survey forms. Your result will NOT be declared unless and until you do so.

We look forward to your cooperation in helping to improve our standards even further.


Why i am seeing my CGPA only not the whole result on VULMS?

Virtual University of Pakistan IT department uploads CGPA(only) before the date of result to be announced fully it happens many times and 1000's of old students know that. "It is also not fake as some people say"  

What is CGPA and GPA?

CGPA stands for Cumulative Grade Point Average. 
(It is the overall total of whole marks.)

GPA stands for Grade point average.
(It is the total of your current semester)

Note: Students it is requested to don't start worrying about the result delay just stay calm and wait for it.

Complete VU handouts

VU All Lectures Handouts-Fall-2018

Note : Press CTRL + F and enter your desired subject code in search bar and download the handouts.

Note : Press CTRL + F and enter your desired subject code in search bar and download the handouts.